SSIS Chandigarh plays a vital role in promoting students’ well-being and helping
them to train for various games of their interest. Our Physical Education
Department (PED) enhances students’ physical, technical, strategic and tactical
skills in relation to their selected games and educates them about the
importance of leading an active and healthy lifestyle. We ensure that every
student is actively involved in at least one sporting activity or game, starting
at the pre-school stage itself.
Practice sessions for games like football, cricket, lawn tennis, taekwondo,
athletics, yoga, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, etc., are held on a regular
basis. We organize intra-school, interschool, regional and national tournaments,
and also host tournaments organized by CBSE.

Thus, we play a crucial role in nurturing well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.