Principal's Message
Gurus and Educational institutions hold a very important place in Indian society. However, the role of school in contemporary times has become quite challenging. With invasion of technology in our lives schools are not the only store house of knowledge for students. Though imparting knowledge is the prime responsibility of the educational institutions it is no longer the only objective. In an attempt to keep pace with the dynamic and evolving society SSIS team focuses on the holistic development of the students. We at SSIS provide the right blend of initiatives which ensure a nurturing environment for the students preparing them for future challenges.
We provide opportunities to our students which give them wings to fly but at the same time keep them rooted in tradition and human values. We work on the mental resilience of our students to ensure our students learn to adapt, adjust, accommodate, co- exist and succeed. We ensure our students value integrity and dignity more than materialistic success.
At SSIS we appreciate every child’s uniqueness and nurture them to evolve in their own unique way and not as copy of someone else. Team SSIS understands every child needs a champion who stands by her/him, motivating and never giving up. We become that champion for them providing them opportunities to grow and bloom into better version of themselves.
We as a team work hard towards giving the society Global Citizens with deep respect for Indian values.
We as a team work hard towards giving the society Global Citizens with deep respect for Indian values.