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SSIS Chandigarh provides every student the opportunity to avail of our extensive and reliable transport facilities. We cater to every location within the Tri-city area, as well as adjacent locations where our students dwell. We have a fleet of 15 buses, each with its own dedicated attendant to help children board and get off safely. The buses are also fitted with cameras for enhanced security and our drivers are trained to drive safely.

The School transport facility is made available by the school through a private transporter to facilitate students. This facility can be used entirely at the discretion of the parent, only if it meets all their requirements and needs. The School only enables coordination between parents and transporters.

The transport facility can be used by filling in the transport form available with the transport supervisor. The transport facility is subject to the availability of seats. Buses run on scheduled routes and timings must strictly be adhered to as it impacts other students also. Designated bus stops have been identified and buses will pick or drop students at these bus stops only. The bus stop will be intimated to the parents at the beginning of the service and will not be changed afterwards. Children will always be handed over to parents/guardians at the designated bus stop. In case of the unavailability of a parent/guardian at the stop, the child/children will be brought back to the school and can be collected from there. The bus service is liable to be withdrawn or changed from any area if it is not found to be feasible. Transport charges vary according to the distance and may be increased whenever the need arises. One-way bus service is not allowed.

Transport Fee

The transport fee is to be paid monthly for eleven and a half months however, the fees for the months of May- June and February- March are to be paid bimonthly.
The transport fee is directly collected by the transporter and can be paid by cash or cheque in favor of Baba Gurdittaji Bus service or through the link
The transport fee is to be paid by the 10th of every month; failing which, the student will not be allowed to use the school transport from the subsequent month.


Airport Rs.2400 per month Mohali Rs.2800 per month
Behlana Rs.2400 per month Nayagaon/Khudda Lahora/Kansal Rs.2550 per month
Chandigarh Rs.2350 per month New Chandigarh Rs.3100 per month
Darua Rs.2350 per month Ramgarh Rs.3800 per month
Dayal Pura Rs.2700 per month Panchkula/Mansa Devi Rs.2850 per month
Dhakoli Rs.2550 per month Railway colony Rs.2400 per month
Dhanas/DMC Rs.2600 per month Raipur Kalan/Raipur Khurd Rs.2400 per month
Hallomajra Rs.2400 per month MDC Complex Rs.2600 per month
Indra Colony Rs.2400 per month Sohana/Derabassi Rs.3000 per month
Kishangarh Rs.2400 per month Vikas Nagar Rs.2400 per month
Manimajra Rs.2400 per month Zirakpur/Baltana Rs.2600 per month
Mauli Jagran Rs.2400 per month

School Bus Conduct

Students availing this facility must observe cordial behavior while using the facility. Any kind of unruly conduct including shouting, showing aggression, being violent, etc., is not at all acceptable. Indiscipline by any student in the school bus will make the student ineligible to use the school transport. The bus in charge and the bus attendant will be responsible for the orderly behavior in the school bus.


  • Riding a school bus is a privilege and not a right. It is a privilege which each rider can keep by maintaining appropriate behaviour while waiting at the bus stop, loading, riding, and unloading. Proper conduct by the students contributes greatly to the safety of the student transportation program. With this in mind, the Superintendent or designee shall develop appropriate procedures for student bus conduct. The rules shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    • The bus driver is in full charge of all persons riding on the bus and has the same status and authority as a teacher insofar as discipline is concerned. Students shall obey the directions of the bus driver promptly and courteously.
    • Students shall board and leave the bus at their established stop, except when they have a request signed by their parent/guardian listing a valid reason to board or leave from another established stop. This request must also be approved by the school Principal/designee. Students shall ride their assigned bus unless reassigned by the respective school Principal/designee.
    • Students shall observe safe pedestrian practices while walking to and from the bus stop. Students shall arrive at their designated bus stop not less than five (5) minutes or more than ten (10) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Students shall wait in an orderly manner and shall respect private and public property while waiting at the bus stop.
    • After the bus has come to a complete stop, students shall enter the bus, go directly to an available or assigned seat, and remain seated until the bus stops to unload students.
    • If it is necessary for students to cross the road before boarding or after leaving the bus, the student must wait ten (10) feet in front of the bus until an “all clear” signal is given by the driver, then cross carefully.
    • Students shall talk quietly and avoid loud or distracting noises on the bus. Students shall avoid unnecessary conversations with the driver while the bus is moving. Absolute silence is required when the driver stops the bus at a railroad crossing.
    • Students shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment.
    • Students must keep all parts of their body (hands, arms, feet, head, etc.) inside the bus at all times. No materials are to be thrown inside the bus, from the bus, or into the bus. Eating or drinking is not allowed on the bus except when unusual circumstances exist and prior approval is given by school transportation personnel.
    • School government policies and procedures pertaining to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, and weapons or look-alike weapons are in effect at the bus stop and on the bus.
    • Other items not permitted on the bus are breakable containers, cigarette lighters, matches, sharp objects, or flammable or explosive substances or anything else that could jeopardize the safety of the persons involved, on any school bus. Any items carried on the bus must be small enough to be held on the lap of the student.
    • Students must not stand while the bus is in motion. Fighting with other students, hitting, biting, pushing, touching is not allowed.
    • Students are not allowed to disturb, insult, or harass other students and adults. Obscene language/gestures are forbidden.
    • Students not following bus rules will not be allowed to use school transport.


  • Parents/Guardians are an important part of the transportation team. Their knowledge and support of safe transportation procedures is integral to the success of the transportation operations. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to:
    • Understand and support State rules and policies, regulations and principles of school bus safety.
    • Cooperate with school officials in promoting safe and efficient student transportation.
    • Support efforts to improve school bus safety.
    • Communicate safety concerns to school administrators.
    • Assist their children in understanding safety rules and encourage them to abide by the rules.
    • Support safe riding practices and reasonable discipline efforts.
    • Understand that students who ride school buses must obey all laws, rules, and regulations governing student transportation. School bus riding privileges may be suspended or terminated, as indicated in this handbook, for repeated failure to follow applicable student transportation laws, rules, and regulations.
    • Recognize their responsibilities for the actions of their children.
    • Be aware of the dangers involved in and around loading and unloading zones, including the dangers of loose clothing, clothing accessories and other loose personal items.
    • Be responsible for:
      • Getting their children safely to a designated school bus stop on time (no less than five (5) minutes and no more than ten (10) minutes before the scheduled pick up time) and having the children dressed in clothing appropriate for the weather and season. The school bus will not wait for students not at the loading area when the bus arrives.
      • Getting their children safely from a designated school bus stop.
      • Helping the bus driver to teach their children proper procedures for safely crossing the roadways before loading and after leaving the bus.
      • Supporting emergency evacuation procedures as prescribed by state law, rules, and regulations.
      • Respect the rights and privileges of others.
      • Be knowledgeable about the traffic laws regarding when to stop for school buses.

Change Of Address

In case of any change in the bus route due to a change of address, an application should be forwarded to the transport supervisor and addressed to the Principal. Bus allotment would be subject to the availability of seats.

Withdrawal Of Bus Service

The bus service can be withdrawn by giving a notice of one month. If the service is used even for one day in a particular month, then the fee is to be paid for the whole month. No student will be allowed to discontinue the bus service after the winter break.
Parents can email: or call 8360893453 to reach the Transport Supervisor in case of any suggestions/complains.
The school neither recommends nor shares any responsibility for private vehicles including rickshaws, cycles, auto rickshaws, motor bikes, cars, cabs, vans, or any other vehicles that are used or hired to convey students.

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