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Saint Soldier International School, Sector 28 B, Chandigarh is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its Junior Investiture Ceremony. The ceremony was graced by the presence of esteemed School Adviser Ms. Vijaya Sidhu and respected Principal Ms. Anisha Ghuman.

The event commenced with a heartfelt welcome from the tiny tots of the school, who presented bouquets to the dignitaries. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp of knowledge and wisdom, symbolizing a bright future for the new student leaders. Honourable Adviser ma’am, respected Principal ma’am, and all the House Wardens were invited to kindle the lamp, marking the beginning of the ceremony.

In a significant moment, Adviser ma’am Ms. Vijaya Sidhu pinned the badge on Junior Head Boy, Akshay of Class-V A, while respected Principal ma’am Ms. Anisha Ghuman bestowed the badge upon Junior Head Girl, Sarah Khajuria of Class-V B, both promising leaders in their right.



House Captain

Vice Captain


Aravalli House



Gavya & Aand

Nilgiri House



Nikhil & Priyanshu

Shiwalik House



Pratyush & Alix

Himalayan House



Gurbani & Sarthak


The newly appointed council members took an oath of duty, led by School Principal Ms Anisha Ghuman, reinforcing their commitment to their roles and responsibilities. The school choir added to the festivities with a melodious rendition titled “Congratulation” aimed at inspiring the student council.

The ceremony concluded with the junior head boy issuing the command to march back, signifying the readiness of the student council to take on their new roles with enthusiasm and discipline.

- Junior Investiture Ceremony