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As per this Policy, we aim for the holistic development of students ensuring that they become global citizens even while we nurture them to develop the full range of competencies (skills and capabilities), values and temperament using modern (scientific) as well as traditional Indian pedagogical approaches and practices. Toward this end, we have completely overhauled the curriculum and teaching methods to ensure that every student gets tangible learning experiences in every class and not just academic knowledge or information. Our qualified and trained teachers develop and use a variety of experiential learning activities aimed at achieving well defined and measurable learning outcomes, specifically designed to
cater to the dynamic and rapidly changing learning needs and demands of the global economy of the 21st century. Thus, our focus is on application of knowledge to identify and analyze problems,
develop innovative solutions, accept and nurture diversity and collaborate effectively within and across borders for the emancipation of humanity along with the sustainability of the planet.

“The pursuit of knowledge (Jnan),
wisdom (Pragyaa), and truth (Satya) was always considered
in Indian thought and philosophy as the highest human goal.”

NEP 2020

Our students are trained to take responsibility for themselves as well as others, develop life skills (like communication, emotional intelligence, and management of self) along with the right habits required for leading healthy and happy lives. We don’t just prepare students to achieve their academic and career goals; in fact, we transform our students such that they also mature into responsible, kind, proactive and meaningful contributors to the emancipation of their own families as well as the society.
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